Blood pressure measurement

By measuring blood pressure, the heart and circulatory functions of the body can be assessed.- The blood pressure measurement determines the systolic and diastolic values, and the blood pressure level is given in mm mercury column (Hg). A blood pressure of 120:80 is optimal.
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By measuring blood pressure, the heart and circulatory functions of the body can be assessed.

The blood pressure measurement determines the systolic and diastolic values, and the blood pressure level is given in mm mercury column (Hg). A blood pressure of 120:80 is optimal.

If constantly elevated blood pressure is left untreated, over time it can cause damage to important organs, such as the heart, kidneys and brain.
In addition, too high blood pressure promotes narrowing and injury to the arteries.

Therefore, take advantage of our blood pressure measurement service!
By checking your blood pressure regularly, you can detect and prevent damage due to high blood pressure at an early stage.
